Search Engine Friendly

Tips for making your site rank higher in search engines.

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SEO Tips

Shorter URLs are better

Keywords should appear in URL

Use hyphens instead of spaces or underscores

Use image tags alt text and image name

Be specific with keywords

Think about what customers would type.

Use the title meta tag

Ranking Factors

Page Speed

The faster your page loads the better.

Internal Links

Search engines use links to navigate your site

URL Structure

Keep URLs short, relevant and simple.

Meta Tags

Write unique page titles for each page. Use relevant keywords.


Design your site to look good on all devices. This includes smart phones, iPads and computers.


The goal of a search engine is to provide the right information to the right person at the right time

Further Reading

SEO Workbook

Search Engine Optimization Success in Seven Steps

3 Months to No.1

The 2022 "No-Nonsense" SEO Playbook for Getting Your Website Found on Google

SEO 2022

Learn search engine optimization with smart internet marketing strategies

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